Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Capriccio 6

Pressure and pressure and pressure
inside. outside. throb throb throb.

–Slam. can i slam? bam bam bam.
slam you. slam her. slam bam slam

Sinkhole, singhole, knifehole,
headbuzz, earbuzz, fuzzfuzz,
ruzzruzz, duzzduzz, guzzguzz,
buzzbuzz buzzbuzz buzzbuzz

No lesson. No answer only truth this time. But now the truth is empty and won't fart no rhyme. If there's nothing to create, then there's nothing to love. Not if. When.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Driving at night

Reflections from the street twist and turn in a garish display.  Piercing headlights lance through my windshield, leaving me in a lightheaded golden daze.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Toss and turn

Toss and turn, shaggy heads dip and sway to an ethereal violin. The scent-laden summer breeze plays each tree-top in turn – one, slow, broad gesture across – the smiling conductor invites each to stand and bow.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Ask not

For a stoic copse of trees to stand so silently, only absorbing, never emitting, makes one wonder what there is to hide beneath dark eves and hoary boughs. Secret glades? Sudden clearings? Do not presume; their grim visage bespeaks only shadow, tangle, and rot. 

Great Barrier Cumulus

A scalloped reef of cloud shelters my eyes from the sun; rolling undergrowths of a richer, darker hue hide the wispy roots of this atmospheric formation.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hymn 4

Survey this gathered Church of God,
The fruits of His unfailing word,
See Abraham’s bless’d offspring called,
To share in promise and reward.

Yet upright they’d not boast to be,
For each a wretch was early-named,
Those grafted into Christ’s pure tree,
No merit of their own can claim.

Yon treasures of God’s saving grace
Were sought by Christ’s unsullied blood,
Elect from every tongue and race,
No longer slaves to mire and mud.

Though judgment-bound the world remain,
God’s sov’reign justice would not fail,
Since none deserved Christ’s body slain,

God’s sov’reign mercy yet prevails.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Hymn project 3

Survey this gathered church of God,
The fruits of His unfailing word,
See Abraham’s bless’d offspring called,
To share in promise and reward.

These treasures of God’s saving grace,
Were sought by Christ’s unsullied blood,
Elect from every tongue and race,
No longer lost in mire and mud.

Yet upright none would boast to be,
For each a wretch was early named,
Those grafted into Christ’s pure tree,
no merit of their own can claim.

Hymn project 4/25/15

Survey this gathered church of God,
The fruits of His unfailing word,
See Abraham’s bless’d offspring called,
To share in promise and reward.

Yet upright none would boast to be,
For each a wretch was early named,
Those grafted into Christ’s pure tree,
no merit of their own can claim.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Hymn Project 1

Survey the gathered church of God,
The fruits of His unfailing word,
As Abraham’s bless’d offspring called,
To share in promise and reward.